Located in the Outer Rim just a stone's throw from Hutt controlled Space.
Here, in a natural Force-well that mostly obscures the system, a lone Padawan has been apprenticed to, and trained in secret by, a masterful Jedi whose visions led him to both planet and boy. The Jedi Master told only A'Sharad Hett of his padawan but never revealed Soma III's existence.
He vanished from the Jedi Order's records soon after congratulating his friend and mentor Qui-Gon on his elevation to the rank of 'Master'. Taking to heart the advice given him by Master Jinn he sought out the path the Force had for him to walk...no matter where it led. It led him to Soma III.
This blog is devoted to the life and times of that Padawan turned Knight, Tenric Starkindler, and his search for purpose during the Purge and beyond...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tenric's Gambit: VI

Here, for now, is the end of the story. I would be happier actually writing the confrontation with Dalba and the establishment of Orlan & Dale's business, but time constraints (and other duties) prevent it.
Hope you enjoyed the story.....please feel free to leave comments or feedback as I am interested in both.

Thanks for reading!!

Part VI

Tenric paused and closed his eyes momentarily. His brow furrowed a bit and he took a deep breath. Dale and Orlan looked at each other as Tenric seemed to finish whatever he was doing then raised his hand to order another Ale.

“I have been putting this little operation together for awhile now, since just before Dalba cheated Dale out of his liberty actually.” Tenric began. “I wanted to find a way to free you from Dure-Lite Orlan, and also free Dale from his debt to Dalba. It seemed best to find a way to combine both objectives and cut the risks thereby.” Dale and Orlan exchanged looks once more.

“Go on,” Orlan prompted, “We’re listening.” Dale simply nodded.

“Dalba was my sponsor for this race. I sought out her sponsorship as a means to gain her trust.” Tenric confided. “I will use the winnings from the race to pay off Dale’s debt.”

“But it isn’t enough.” Dale interrupted.

“It will be when I ask her how much my interview tomorrow morning will be worth to her.” Tenric continued. “You see she has gotten a reputation for being soft among the Hutts and her underlings have begun to grumble and challenge her. If she wants to stay in power here on Soma III she needs to solidify her control.”

“How will your interview help her do that?” Dale asked, while Orlan sat thinking about what Tenric was saying.

“It will help her image immensely when I confess to the reporters that my desperate gambit was fueled by both the awe and fear I have for Dalba. I will say that my desperate need to not disappoint her drove me to accomplish what I did. I will be very sincere.” Here he paused to sip from his newly arrived ale.

“That might actually work!” Dale sounded hopeful now.

“It will my friend, Dalba is desperate and I will be handing her just what she needs.” Tenric encouraged.

“But,” Orlan interjected, “How will she spend this extra sum you offer her? Tempting as it sounds, what will make her underlings buy into it?”

Here Tenric fixed Orlan with one of those stares of his for a moment or two. It gave him the creeps, but he had become used to them over the time they had known each other. Orlan had his suspicions, but kept them to himself. One did not openly discuss certain things nowadays.

“Astute as always my friend,” Tenric replied. “Dalba’s underlings will buy into it because I will be freelancing for her, for a time, to ensure they do.”

“But, you can’t!” Dale began in a splutter of ale. “I’d rather it was me serving that worm than you!”

“Dale,” Tenric soothed, “Trust me on this. I have need of what Dalba can give me with this exchange. The arrangement will be temporary and at my discretion.”

“Need! What could you need from a Hutt?” Dale protested.

“I am about to embark on a new career, if you will, and an association with Dalba will strengthen my entry into it.”

“Just what, if I may ask, will this new venture be?” Orlan asked.

“But!” Dale managed say before Tenric raised his hand to gain their attention.

“I am going to begin Bounty Hunting for Dalba. I will do so until I have enough of a reputation to go it alone.” Here he smiled as both of his friends began to object. He raised his hand again and continued. “I know you are confused and cannot see me as one of the ‘filth of the galaxy’, but there are extenuating circumstances.”

“Such as your Uncle?” Dale almost whispered as he caught on. “Like that trip to Dantooine last year.”

“For one, yes.” Tenric confirmed. “My uncle left SomaIII to take his place in the Clone Wars and fell in battle. I wish to find his remains and bring them back home. My first attempt was misguided, to a point.” Here he once more quieted their objections. “It matters not which side he was on, the truth remains the same. Bounty Hunting will provide me both the credits and cover for traveling widely as I must.”

“What is the other reason?” Orlan asked. Dale had almost forgotten there was a second reason as he contemplated what Tenric was saying.

“The other reason is to be of service to those who have been most injured by Palpitane’s power grab. Those who have been disenfranchised, outlawed, and hunted. The injustice of it has burned within me since the beginning and the time is right for me to step in.”

“But I still don’t…” Dale began.

“I think I do.” Orlan stated flatly, interrupting him. “Things make sense now that you have said it.”

“Said what?” Dale asked feeling somewhat left out.

“You are both intelligent and wise Orlan. Please explain it to Dale after you are free from Dure-Lite.”

“You may count on it. Now just how am I to be free?”

Dale crossed his arms in a determined huff but kept silent as Tenric finished explaining his plan to them.

“Dale, you are a natural pilot and a gifted mechanic. You can feel when something is not right with a ship. Orlan, you are an amazingly gifted engineer and designer. Together you can make your own way in the galaxy free from the Hutts or the glory-stealing bureaucrats of Dure-Lite.”

Once more Orlan and Dale looked at each other as the service droid arrived with a fresh round for all.

“The credits Dale has amassed to pay back Dalba combined with the investment capital Orlan will receive when he announces the founding of his own custom shipyard will set the two of you up in business. Racers from all over the quadrant will flock to you for their needs. Then others will follow. Between the two of you I foresee great advances being made.”

“Exactly why would I make such an announcement Tenric?” Orlan asked.

“Because in my interview I will also give you full credit for saving my life today. It was your modification to the shield generators and repulsors that allowed me to survive being hit by that asteroid. No other racer on the circuit would have survived.”

“Neither would you without those damned reflexes of yours.” Orlan stated.

“True. However even without them there would still have been a fighting chance. Together you can both rise above the mining colony and make a difference that counts.”

“Where shall we find a base of operations?” Orlan asked. “Since you have planned everything else.”

“There is an abandoned asteroid mine in the ‘suicide sector’ that will do nicely. Dure-Lite examined it a generation ago but decided it was too costly to mine. Then the Hutts set up a mining base on it and ran it dry. It has lain dormant for over a decade now, the durelium depleted. Neither the Hutts or Dure-Lite ever made legal claim to it and neither will judge it worth vying for when you claim it.”

“You sound so sure of all this Tenric. How can you know?” Dale asked. “I mean it sounds great and would sure take care of my family, but…”

“I have done my homework on this, be assured my friends. It only needs your agreement to make it happen.”

“I suppose it would work,” Orlan mused. “And, naturally, you’d drop by during the course of your ‘service’ to those poor souls you mentioned.”

Tenric just smiled at his astute friend. Yes. Orlan was the right choice for this, and with Dale along it was sure to flourish.

“Um, Orlan?” Dale turned to face his table-mate. “I’m in if you’re in. Anything’s better than the way things are now, and if we can help Tenric here…..”

“Yes. We can help Dale, and running my own business on the side will be fun as well.” Orlan replied, “It appears we have a deal Tenric.”

“Great then let’s drink to it!” Tenirc said as he raised his ale. All three drank to seal the deal, and Tenric drained his flask. “Now! Dale and I have an appointment with Dalba down below, and you my dear Orlan shall need a good night’s rest if you are to start drawing up your business venture plan in the morning.”

With that they rose from the table and separated for now. Dale and Tenric headed for the gambling dens below to face Dalba, and Orlan headed home. He was overwhelmed with all he had learned this night, and with what the future might hold. As he headed off down the street he began running the numbers in his head and mumbling under his breath….

“At least three ship bays, zero-g fabrication unit, some sort of perimeter security.....and a full engineering simulator….”

Fade to Black / roll credits & play theme music….

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